Taskpaper Simple To-do List Software For Mac

Taskpaper Simple To-do List Software For Mac

TaskPaper 3.8.2 – Simple to-do list. TaskPaper is a plain-text to-do list that’s surprisingly adept.

  • When you click on “jack” your lists will be filtered to show all tasks where “jack” is listed. It's now easier to see when you've selected filtered items so you don't.
  • Simple to-do lists for Mac. For Mac users to make lists and stay organized. TaskPaper is a simple to-do list that’s surprisingly adept. Unlike standard organizers, TaskPaper gets out of your way so that you can get things done.

Thoroughly modernized. TaskPaper 3 is all new, while still retaining the same plain-text design that’s been getting things done since 2006.

A best-in-breed application, offering a perfect balance of efficiency and features. Macformat.co.uk Isn't it funny how so many so-called 'organizational software tools' suffer from exactly the same symptoms they seek to cure? Illogical, cluttered interfaces. Non-intuitive operations.

Taskpaper Simple To-do List Software For MacTaskpaper simple to-do list software for mac

TaskPaper is a plain text to-do list that’s surprisingly adept. Getting things done since 2006.

Excessive ambitions with no sense of priority. Masses upon masses of functions, none of which seem to get the job done. Heck, some of these apps require an instruction manual simply to use the instruction manual! Breath a sigh of relief. Download TaskPaper. Breathe a deeper sigh of relief.


Taskpaper Simple To-do List Software For Mac

Your life is about to get quite a bit simpler. TaskPaper is a gloriously intuitive to-do list that just works. Type your lists into TaskPaper. Each line is formatted into a project, task, or note. Unlike other software titles, TaskPaper doesn't force a particular system on you; it provides you with basic to-do list elements and then you use them as you see fit.

But there are some pretty cool things happening behind the scenes that propel TaskPaper light years beyond your generic to-do software. It understands your list's structure and will instantly filter your list to show only items of interest! Perhaps not in the Merlin sense of the word, but your cluttered life will appreciate it just the same. Review what others have to say. “A best-in-breed application, offering a perfect balance of efficiency and features.” - Macformat.co.uk 5/5. “It's a very simple, but intriguing and original concept.

Taskpaper Simple To-do List Software For Mac